Protectakote – Protecting the bed of a working truck
When you own an open-backed vehicle, the rear load space is subjected to all sorts of abuse… things are thrown in, it is exposed to the elements all year round. Standard vehicle paints can only take this sort of abuse for a short time before they begin to flake and inevitably rust. A coating of Protecta Kote can remedy even in the worst cases of pickup damage. With basic preparation, Protecta Kote can be brushed or sprayed into the load space to give a very hard wearing, anti-slip surface which will protect the vehicle and enhance its future value. Available in a range of colours, Protectakote can contrast or blend with your vehicle’s original colour, and unlike plastic protectors won’t break or snap if you drop a heavy item.
A local farmer got in touch with NVP… his battle-weary pickup was looking a bit sorry and the first signs of rust were peeping through the paintwork. Did we have a solution ? Of course…
First the area to be treated is rubbed down using a wire brush and a coarse emery paper to remove any old, flaking paint or rust. Next the vehicle is masked up to avoid getting the coating on the windows. (yes, you can paint it on to glass !)
This particular vehicle was sprayed using a black finish to complement the red paintwork.
The rear load space and rear tailgate were coated to give a very high level of protection and a great looking finish.
The finished vehicle looked fantastic and will stay that way for a long time. The farmer was happy with the new look of the vehicle and continues to be pleased with the durability of the tough finish.
See the specialĀ truck bed liner kitsĀ for more information.