Health and Safety Applications for Protecta-kote

Slipping can be a significant hazard in many different places. Using Protecta-kote to give an increased grip, anti slip coating can greatly improve safety in situations such as:

  • Passenger lifts for wheelchairs
  • Ramps
  • Steps
  • Trailers
  • Concrete floor coating
  • Pedestrian walkways
  • Playgrounds
  • Tool handles
  • Construction plates
  • Amusement parks & rides
  • Load or cargo areas
  • Toilet facilities
  • Fire Escapes

Under the new Disabilities Discrimination Act (DDA) which comes into force in October 2004 employers and business owners have the responsibility to offer equal access to goods, facilities and services for all. Protecta-kote is an extremely tough hard wearing, anti-slip coating that can be applied to most surfaces and so improving access and safety.

Unlike most anti slip paints, Protecta-kote incorporates rubber granules instead of simply having grit sprinkled over the top. This means that Protecta-kote will keep its anti-slip properties for far longer it also means that it is non-abrasive and far kinder to anything placed on it.

Protecta-kote will chemically bond to most surfaces, including concrete, metal, wood and fibreglass and leaves an extremely tough and resilient surface. Protecta-kote is a single pack polyurethane and is therefore simple and easy to apply. For more information see the application instructions.

For a specific example see how Protecta-kote has been used to make a children’s playground safer and has been used to improve a wheelchair access ramp